Tuesday, September 1, 2009

*Live Your Life to the Fullest*

I live by one philosophy and it is to live life to the fullest. Life is like a rainbow, you need both the sun and the rain to make the colors appear. Three principles to living your life!

Principle 1: Live life to the fullest because the things you don't do, you will more than likely regret it! Last year at EDAY in Auburn, my group got to go to the aircraft room. We were given the opportunity to put our head in the nighty-two mph air dome. At first, I had to think, "This is a once in a lifetime thing and I will probably never get to do it again." I took the chance and it was awesome. I still tell everyone about it today!

Principle 2: Live life to the fullest because the best things in life are memories. My high school years are probably the best! "You better enjoy your high school years because it only comes once!" I have heard this line more than I have blinked. The memoires I have made throughout high school will follow me forever. It's not just the good ones or the bad ones, its all the memories. As my class come to the end of my high school year I will look back in the yearbook and remember that these are the days of my life!

Principle 3: Live life to the fullest because you never know when your time might come. Life is a gift and is full of color just like a rainbow. My rainbow has no pot of gold at the end, but a wonderful story of the memories and actions I have captured throughout my lifetime. I take my life one day at a time and at least five feet from the edge everyday. I never know when my time might come, so I make the best of my life everyday!

Love life, cherish life, and give life, for you never know what might bring to your doorstep.

Anna Eubanks

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