Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Everyone Deserves Happiness"

Our world population is 6.8 billion and out of the billions of different cultures, religions, and race everybody deserves to be with somebody. I believe nobody should be alone and everybody deserves happiness. Here are three reasons why I believe this.

Reason 1: Nobody should be alone because God put everybody on this earth for a reason, and the person you were meant to be with is somewhere out there. You shouldn't go out and look for the person who you think you are suppose to be with, because if it's fate it will just happen. God has a plan for everybody and what happens, happens, there is really nothing you can do about it so live your life and wait for that special somebody to come live it with you.

Reason 2: Nobody should be alone; even if you like the same sex. Everybody thinks it is such a bad thing for gay people to get married, but hey if that's who they love and want to be with then they deserve happiness just as much as you do. Gay marriage is illegal in certain states and, to me, I think the people that make these rules are trying to ruin other people's happiness because they are not happy themselves. Everybody is going to love who they want to love and for people to try to stop that is cruel and heartless. People just need to realize that this world is full of different people who want different things and everybody deserves to be happy.

Reason 3: Nobody should be alone because going through relationships in your life is the thing that makes you stronger and you find who you really are. Some people think it's a bad thing to go through relationships because you get your heart broken, but relationships are fun. You can have some of the best memories to look back on through different relationships; some may be bad and some may be good. If you go through life scared and afraid to take chances with people, you might miss some of best opportunities and even miss the one you were meant to be with. " 'Love is a Battlefield,' " and your going to have to go through a lot of heart aches and pain but it's worth it when you find Mr. or Mrs. right.

Life without love is like fries without ketchup, its plain and horrible. Everybody deserves to be happy with somebody, no matter what the circumstance is. Nobody should be alone in this huge world we live in.

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