I couldn't wait to see my wife's beautiful face as I neared the hospital room. My heart pounded as I grabbed the cold silver door knob to open the door. I was overwhelmed to see and hold my tiny new born baby boy. My wife was lying in the metal-framed hospital bed when I first took step a through the door. Her smile brightened the room, while she held, Tucker, our baby boy. I was so nervous to get close to him that I knocked over the small trash can sitting on the floor. Hospital rooms were usually so gloomy, but on this day the room was filled with beautiful colors and held a sense of warmth. I slowly took Tucker from my wife's arms and sat in the hardback chair. Usually, the chair would have been uncomfortable, but the feeling of being a proud new Father made everything just right. I was shocked to see the televison over the bed turned off. At home the tv stayed on every second. My legs were a little uneasy as I stood to grab my wife a glass of water on the night stand with the baby in my arms. Tucker let out a little cry as I leaned over. My heart dropped. I was not sure if I had done something wrong. My wife just smiled and told me I was doing just fine with him. She took a sip of the water and dozzed off for a little nap. It was just Tucker and me now. We stood in front of the picture on the white hospital wall. The cows in the grassy field and the gorgeous site of the sun and mountains in the distance. What a beautiful world this baby just arrived into. I wished that Tucker knew how lucky I feel to be his Father. He grabbed my finger with his tiny hand, like he knew what I was thinking. A tear ran down my cheek, and I took a kleenex from the box on the hard, cold counter. I was so nervous, but at the same time so happy to start my new family. This breezy July evening will be one I will never forget.
ReplyDeleteGood writing makes people feel things and you made me cry...it made me think of when my babies were born! You did an excellent job with this assignment!
Mrs. B