Eufaula, Alabama is a very small town. Everybody knows everybody, and nobody has secrets here. When I came here, I was pretty young and I loved living here; but as I started getting older, I realized that this town is not any fun for teenagers. When you're in high school, of course you're going to want to go out and do stuff on the weekends because after a long week of school you're ready to go do something besides sitting and learning. All the little kids talk about how much fun their weekends are, but for us there is nothing to do, so we don't really talk about our fun weekends.
The first house I lived in when I moved here was in CCA (Country Club of Alabama). I will never forget that house; from the awesome swimming pool in the back, to the bathroom that connected my room to my sister Chelsea's room and the two of us staying up all night gossiping. Our backyard was a golf course and we used to love running through the sprinklers with the wind in our hair, and our grassy feet touching the big sand pile beside our house. When my friends came over, we would all ride on the golf cart all night; we got into some trouble, but we had fun doing it. We all used to go to the bowling alley or skating rink on Friday nights, and sometimes we wouldn't even bowl or skate, just flirt with the guys. I loved every minute in that house and in that neighborhood.
This town is very beautiful and historic and I absolutely love when the Pilgrimage or Indian Summer is going on. I love walking downtown and seeing all the beautiful, old houses and statues of all these heroes that are famous in this town and in history that have been there for years and years. During Indian Summer, people sing and dance, there are a lot of things you can buy like paintings, purses, or jewelry. The smell of hotdogs and hamburgers cooking makes my mouth water, and all the yummy deserts they have are amazing.
Yes, this town is beautiful and historic and when I was younger I used to love looking at everything, but now I'm in high school and I want to have fun. Every teenager in this town knows that there is nothing to do on the weekends and no where to go. So, we pretty much either ride dirt roads, have a house party (which is rare), or go hang out on a dirt road for fun. When you do the same thing every weekend, it gets pretty old and boring. That's why I think Eufaula is a great town for older people to live, and for parents to raise their kids, but for teenagers, well we are just out of luck!
Shea, this is really fantastic. i enjoyed every minute of it.