From the beautiful monuments in the middle of the town, to the crazy beach traffic on 431, Eufaula is where I call home. In a small town, everyone knows your name since you were able to talk. You can name every place to eat and shop in under a minute, without pausing to take a breath. When I sit down and think about all my years in Eufaula, I can't imagine growing up anywhere else.
Over the past seventeen years of my life in Eufaula, there are just some things that never seem to get old. Walking into Willy T's atleast 3 times a week to get grilled chicken. Every Sunday morning, my family arrives at 8:30 at the "big white church", First Baptist, to listen to Dr. Bush's short, but sweet sermons. On Christmas Eve nights we gather back at the brightly lit sanctuary to sing Christmas carols. When summer rolls around on a humid 4th of July night, everyone goes to Lakepoint to see the beautiful display of fireworks. Some things only get better after repeating them again and again.
There are places and things here in Eufaula that I cherish the memories of everyday. The old gymnastic building, where I either shed tears because I had fallen or smiled when I learned a new trick; the many boyfriends that have brought me home and sat in my driveway for almost a hour talking; my great-grandmother, Maw Maw, who made a blanket for my sister and she gave it to me- to this day I still can't let go of it; the fountain in downtown Eufaula that I love seeing soap in; sitting in front of the historical homes, waving at all the "pilgrims" during the Pilgrimage each April. I was so over joyed in 8th grade when I convinced my mom to let me go to Lakeside. The close friends I have made, the ball games we've cheered at, and the unbelievable crazy and fun things we have done together. Each memory in this small school, in this small town I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.Through it all, I will never be able to look back and say I have no wonderful memories in this town.
This town holds so many precious and unforgettable memories. I remember seeing my dad's warm, beautiful smile and hearing the words "I love you" for the last time as he dropped me off on a hot August day of 5th grade at Bluff City Elementary. The next week everyone in Eufaula came to morn his loss with us. All the time me and him shared is unforgettable. My dad was an inspirtation and a true role model for a lot of people. I know that he watches over me everyday and the whole town of Eufaula. I can't wait for the day that I will see him again.
Time has flown by. From my first day at preschool at First Baptist church in 1996, to Lakeside graduation soon to come on May 28, 2010, what wonderful memories this small town has allowed me to make. I regret nothing in my past for it has made me the person I am today, including this town. When I pack my bags next summer to move to Troy, Alabama I will be extremely happy, but at the same time sad to leave all I have ever known behind. I don't plan to live in Eufaula, but who knows what the future brings. As this town changes and I change in years to come, my memories here will always stay the same. I will be able to look back and smile at the beautiful little town in Southeast Alabama, with a population on 14,500, and say that is where I call home.
Shelby, home truly IS where the heart is!
ReplyDeleteIf I had never been to Eufaula, your descriptions would make me want to visit. You do an excellent job of conveying your emotions and memories in this piece. You did a nice job re-working this.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Burgess