Thursday, November 12, 2009
What Makes Me Unique- -warren strickland
Falling Apples...?
The apple fell. That's quite a blatant statement. It's a proven fact. It can easily be taken at face vale for all it's worth. But so what? Everything can fall, anything can go towards the ground and stay there. But why does it do that? Why doesn't it float? The main point here istn' to discuss the ymechanics of how or even why the palle falls and lands on the ground; the question, in fact is what was the driving force behind the reason of Newton's asking of that question. What made him ask why instead of accepting it at face value like everyone else? The answer, in my opinion, is thus: he didn't take what was in front of him. He became curious, and wanted to learn more, like many of us should. We shouldn't take things at face value. We should ask more questions, so we can learn. How do we know if what we're being "fed" is the truth or not? If we don't find out things for ourselves, how will we ever know anything?
Heroes are brave, determined, loyal, and are willing to risk their lives for another person. They go above and beyond what's expected of them, and beyond their duty in order to help those in need.
25 Odd Ways to Use a Toothbrush
1. Scrub Base Boards
2. Clean Toenails
3. Clean Fingernails
4. Brush Your dogs teeth
5. Bleech Your teeth
6. Clean your rings
7.Clean a chalkboard
8. Brush your eyebrows
9. Polish Furniture
10. Clean tile
11. Clean dishes
12. Clean keyboard
13. Brush your teeth
14. Clean vents
15. Groom a beard
16. Clean your brush
17. Clean your can opener
18. Clean your plants and flowers
19. Paint a picture
20. Clean your computer screen
21. Pick boogers from your nose
22. Scratch your back
23. Brush your hair
24.Pick your boyfirend's nose :) haha
25. Clean earwax out of your ears (YUCK)
I Admire
My most embarrassing moment
A day as my favorite animal!
~Hunter Martin
Monday, November 2, 2009
Paige's Sad Death
Warren's pick of home
Conquering the Mountain
Once again, I've found another true quote, and this one gave me something for my brain to chew on. If you think about it, when you go up against something extremely difficult, no matter how small or large the problem is, you're not really overcoming your own problem at all. You have the capability to do anything you set your mind to, but you have to overcome your own obstacles within yourself to jump over your "hurdle" (that is, your problem) and keep on going, never stopping or slowing down. And once we get though our problem or get over that mountain, we overcome our weaknesses, our second doubts, and our own self-inflicted hindrances that say, "I can't do it" or "this problem is too big for me to handle alone." After we get through those obstacles, nonetheless, we realize our true strengths, and even strengths that we didn't know we had. We climbed over that mountain and made it through, and it's all thanks to ourselves-- not our problem. The problem or "mountain", in my opinion, is merely a tool that helped us realize our own strengths and weaknesses. We're capable of anything-- we just have to work hard to get ourselves through it.
3. Clean out your lemon or garlic press with a toothbrush. 4. Brush your combs clean with an old toothbrush. 5.Clean your finger nails after gardening. 6. Clean and oil tools and car parts. 7. . In the kitchen use a toothbrush for hard to reach places where regular tile wipes and scrubs can’t get too. 8. If you’re an artist use your old toothbrush to paint or for other art projects you may have. 9. Clean vents, blinds and window screens with an old toothbrush. 10. To clean cheese graters 10. Clean out electric razors with an old toothbrush. 11. clean artificial flowers and plants or even your live plants like ivy’s. 12. To shine your jewelry 13. Spot clean laundry with an eco-friendly cleaner and then scrub with an old toothbrush. 14. To clean the small spaces in your car that can’t be cleaned well with a regular wipe. 16.Use old toothbrushes to stake up small, but heavy plants. 17. To scrub around the blades of your manual or electric can opener. 18. To clean your waffle iron. 19.Clean your kids fingernails and toe nails. 20.Clean dog poop off your shoe.
21.Make a toothbrush bracelet. 22. to comb your eyebrows straight. 23. clean between the threads of the jar and its top. 24. recycle it 25. brush your toilet
Philosophy on Life
~Hunter Martin
Gangster Alien
"I think you should go out back and get that obnoxious alien I found this morning when I let the dogs out." my mother said.
"A what?" I replied excitedly.
I went out back and there it was, a real live alien in my yard. I pick up the little thing and off to school I went, carrying this slimy thing in between my fragile arms. Words could not even begin to describe this alien I collected from home. It was about one foot tall and was wearing a Lakers basketball jersey and gangster jeans with "homie" written all over it. At first glance, i realized he was wearing a chrome spinner belt and chrome chains hung low from his neck. He spoke to me in a slang voice and his hands were decked out with diamond rings. I thought to myself, "Is this normal? No, this can't be. This is not real at all." Not many people wake up one morning to find a gangster alien in their backyard. I asked this alien what his name was and he said that his name was Bob. "I am from the hood in Jupiter dawg, and I landed in your messy back yard. You should really consider picking up your dog poo, it's all crumbled in my Afro." Bob said.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Give Learning a Chance
To me, this should be introduced to high school students. This quote is saying that our greatest fear isn't trying to reach the stars and to go for an extraordinary job; it's people aiming for too low of jobs, and only aiming for the tree branches. They aren't wiling to give school and/or life any kind of effort. Most kids want the easy way out, and do as little as possible to achieve that goal. They just skim by on the bare minimum. If kids would realize how important a good college/high school education is for their future, then I'm sure that we would have a lot less high school dropouts, and ten times more students wanting to succeed at a good-paying job of their choice. Sure the stars may seem out of your reach, and you think that you will never get to where you want to be because you think you're not smart enough... but in actuality, if you work hard enough and have a true desire for something, then you will stop at nothing to achieve your goals in life. No obstacle, no hindrance, no small little thing will delay you. You will want to learn all you can, and mediocrity is not an option for you. Aim for what's high above you, and the ground will never seem the same to you again.
What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up
Monday, October 26, 2009
~My Life~
October 25, 1991 was a day of remembrance for my whole family. Every birthday mamma would always remind me of that day. "I remember like it was yesterday, your sister and I was snuggled softly in the hospital bed with you while your daddy distributed pictures left and right", she said. My whole family overflowed the room and honestly, I do think I got nauseated from being passed from one pair of arms to another. My sister, of course, was my caretaker. She was four and as you all know most four year olds always want to take on the position as being mom. I think she thought I was a baby doll!
Eighteen years have flown by! If it wasn't for my past, then I would not be the woman I am today. I have gone through many tough times but yet my family has always been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Now as I am finishing up my senior year I want to thank the ones who have been there for me throughout my life. My mama and daddy have been my main survivors and have helped me grow up. My sisters and brother have done everything to keep me on the right track. These are the people who have helped me make treasured relationships and unforgettable moments!
*Anna Eubanks*
My Ideal Job
Shelby Williams
"History of Hairstyles"
Hunter Martin
Things about parents that drive you crazy!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Hometown
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Heroes
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
*Live Your Life to the Fullest*
I live by one philosophy and it is to live life to the fullest. Life is like a rainbow, you need both the sun and the rain to make the colors appear. Three principles to living your life!
Principle 1: Live life to the fullest because the things you don't do, you will more than likely regret it! Last year at EDAY in Auburn, my group got to go to the aircraft room. We were given the opportunity to put our head in the nighty-two mph air dome. At first, I had to think, "This is a once in a lifetime thing and I will probably never get to do it again." I took the chance and it was awesome. I still tell everyone about it today!
Principle 2: Live life to the fullest because the best things in life are memories. My high school years are probably the best! "You better enjoy your high school years because it only comes once!" I have heard this line more than I have blinked. The memoires I have made throughout high school will follow me forever. It's not just the good ones or the bad ones, its all the memories. As my class come to the end of my high school year I will look back in the yearbook and remember that these are the days of my life!
Principle 3: Live life to the fullest because you never know when your time might come. Life is a gift and is full of color just like a rainbow. My rainbow has no pot of gold at the end, but a wonderful story of the memories and actions I have captured throughout my lifetime. I take my life one day at a time and at least five feet from the edge everyday. I never know when my time might come, so I make the best of my life everyday!
Love life, cherish life, and give life, for you never know what might bring to your doorstep.
Anna Eubanks
If You Don't Have a Smile, I'll Give You One of Mine.
Reason 1: Everyone should wear a smile because you never know whose day you will make easier. You never know what kind of day the people you walk pass have had. That person could've just lost a love one, lost their job, be in bankruptcy, or have no home. A smile can make a huge difference in how they feel. When you are given a warm smile, you feel like you are cared about. I know when I am given a smile, I have a much better day.
Reason 2: Everyone should wear a smile because it makes you feel pretty. A wide grin can boost your confidence. No matter if you are a boy or girl, everyone needs a little something to make them feel beautiful. A smile can really tell other people about you. When you smile you can see yourself from the inside out.
Reason 3: Everyone should wear a smile because they are contagious. Seldomly do we give a smile and it's not returned. Giving a smile makes you feel wonderful. I love to make people laugh and smile a lot! It makes them feel better, and I know it makes me feel alot better. When you walk past someone, smile and see what kind of response you get.
Some days we don't feel like smiling, but it is important to because who knows how it could influence someone else. If you see someone who is sad, turn their frown upside down!
"From Corner Stores to Skyscrapers"
First of all, I believe everyone should spend some time in a big city because if you don't, you will regret it. You hear people tell how rugged and unpleasant "big city" 'folks are, but all of this may not be true. Many people in big cities are tourists from small, unknown towns, just like you. Yes some of the people you meet there may not be nice but you find people like that everywhere you go, in cities big or small. On my trip to New York City, the "big apple", we went expecting the worst and expecting everyone to be rude and lack good ole southern hospitality, but in reality they were not much different from us. Yeah, some people wouldn't hold the door open as we walked in behind them or smile back when we glanced a smile at them but they were not as horrid as they were made out to be.
Secondly, I believe everyone should spend some time in a big city because it will give you a new outlook on life and allow you to see that everyone doesn't live, or even travel the way you do. The streets may be crowded with taxi's and the sidewalks, covered with venders selling hot dogs and newspapers, but its a whole new experience, especially if your from a town that has not one taxi. On my trip to New York all we did was walk or travel by taxi, which was very unusual to us. What was even more unusual to us were the taxi drivers who escorted us around, the majority of them Muslims, and any other denomination than Americans.
Thirdly, I believe everyone should spend some time in a big city because if your from a small town like Eufaula, you will be absolutely amazed at all the stores a big city has to offer. Many very large cities, like New York City, have stores the south has never even thought of having such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton and the Fao Schwarz Toy store, which is so packed you can barely get in, as well as many expensive resteraunts and even a McDonald's. But unlike our McDonalds, the one in New York has a doughnut shop in it and is surrounded by flat screen tv's and also has WiFi for your laptops. I think everyone should get to experience the fine clothing and resteraunt stores.
Lastly, I believe everyone should spend some time in a big city because thats where the majority of the movie stars of today live. I would love to visit Hollywood or Beverly Hills because I would like to happen to run into a movie star walking down the street running from the paparazzi, or see them driving in their new lamborghini down Sunset Boulevard. If you move to a big city, there are far more job opportunities than you can find in a small town. The only downside to moving from a small town to a big city would be that rent and housing is a lot more expensive in bigger cities so if you plan to move you better save up, at least until you find a job in the big city because jobs there pay way more.
Love the small city life you live in but eventually, you need to branch out, and go explore new, bigger things.
"But Ive seen it all in a small town
Had myself a ball in a small town
Married an l.a. doll and brought her to this small town
Now shes small town just like me"
Small town by John Mellencamp
"Everyone Deserves Happiness"
Reason 1: Nobody should be alone because God put everybody on this earth for a reason, and the person you were meant to be with is somewhere out there. You shouldn't go out and look for the person who you think you are suppose to be with, because if it's fate it will just happen. God has a plan for everybody and what happens, happens, there is really nothing you can do about it so live your life and wait for that special somebody to come live it with you.
Reason 2: Nobody should be alone; even if you like the same sex. Everybody thinks it is such a bad thing for gay people to get married, but hey if that's who they love and want to be with then they deserve happiness just as much as you do. Gay marriage is illegal in certain states and, to me, I think the people that make these rules are trying to ruin other people's happiness because they are not happy themselves. Everybody is going to love who they want to love and for people to try to stop that is cruel and heartless. People just need to realize that this world is full of different people who want different things and everybody deserves to be happy.
Reason 3: Nobody should be alone because going through relationships in your life is the thing that makes you stronger and you find who you really are. Some people think it's a bad thing to go through relationships because you get your heart broken, but relationships are fun. You can have some of the best memories to look back on through different relationships; some may be bad and some may be good. If you go through life scared and afraid to take chances with people, you might miss some of best opportunities and even miss the one you were meant to be with. " 'Love is a Battlefield,' " and your going to have to go through a lot of heart aches and pain but it's worth it when you find Mr. or Mrs. right.
Life without love is like fries without ketchup, its plain and horrible. Everybody deserves to be happy with somebody, no matter what the circumstance is. Nobody should be alone in this huge world we live in.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"A Lost Life"
"New Life"
A Life Lost
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Nothing but Silence
Things That Matter :)
A Precious Moment
Babies are a link between angels and man.
New Life
Friday, August 21, 2009
Small Town USA
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Passing Times, Changing People
When i was a kid, you would have seen a place called Big B's, which was a drugstore. My mama used to take me there in her 1988 black Firebird to get me medicine if i ever got sick. If you kept on driving through town and went around the "square" (which is actually a circle), you would see Maddox's, a clothing store, and a theater you could go to on Friday and Saturday nights. Riding through downtown Cuthbert, you could see a big sign with a fox on it, which marked the spot for Fox's Pizza place, and they were known for their extremely greasy pizza (which kind of makes me sick to my stomach, now that i think about it...). Something else you would see is Movie Gallery, and that place was always bustling with people everyday. But sadly, none of these places can be seen anymore... they exist only in my memories.
Cuthbert has many new places now, but there are also places that hasn't changed. Some of the places that are new now is Girly Girl's and the French Market, which are boutique places and are very appealing to the eye when you walk inside. You see lots of little trinkets, and lots of different styles of purses that you can get monogrammed if you choose to do so. If you wanted to get something to eat now, you could go the Dawg House. It's the best place to get hotdogs and milkshakes, and you can get some of their sweet tea. It's extremely sweet, and to some people, it just keeps you coming back for more. My dad sends me there all the time to get our whole family some sweet tea, we like it so much. But not only is the food and drinks good, but the inside has quite a bit of charm on its own. The central idea of the whole restaurant is the football team, the Georgia Bulldogs. As soon as you walk inside, your eyes automatically see all of the photographs of UGA, the bulldog, and many others of Sanford Stadium.
One of the restaurants I probably remember most is Carter's Chicken. I'm not very fond of it at all because I'm not a huge fan of friend chicken. But to me, it stands out in my memories because I remember back a few years ago, Carter's was pretty much just a counter attached to a building, and you ordered your food from outside of the counter. If you ordered Carter's during the summertime, your wait could get rather hot... but now, it's in a bigger and better building with air conditioner, and has a big orange sign. If you miss it, then maybe you need to invest in some glasses, because it's pretty hard to NOT see it.
So my hometown of Cuthbert has changed a lot, and as for me, I don't really mind at all. Change is good. This place is my roots; it's where i learned to ride a bike, drive a car, and it's also where I played in my first band, which eventually broke up. But no matter how much it changes, it's still the little place I know and embrace as my home. And nothing will ever change that. Time passes, people move, like a river's flow, it never ends...
small but fun
Life here is all about what you make it. You don't have the thrills of movie theaters or malls or a lot of good restaurants. We have our share of fast food and hometown joints.Many people don't care for a small town atmosphere, because everyone knows everyone else and well, here there is a good chance they are related to the person you are talking about. But above all we have each other as family and friends. By this statement, i am talking about those people who are always there for you. Here your family is more than family or friends are more than friends, we are both to each other. We are family and friends to each other.
Knowing everyone highs and its lows. News gets around fast and everyone is watching to see if you make a mistake. But hey, what else do they have to do? The positive is knowing your neighbors helps with getting one out of trouble, just as easy as it gets one into it.
Our town usually has the smell of a dirty diaper from the paper mill up the road or dead fish from the lake down the street. Many places i our town are still racialy segregated to a point. There are just certain places where differt races hang out or streets that only certain ones go on. Most boys in our town share the love of women, parties, the outdoors, and muddy dirt roads.
In a small town, we have to make our own fun. Being a guy, I guess, for some reason that most memories were of breaking things(the law) and getting in trouble or hurt. I have memories of shooting at peoples cars with with pellet guns or wrecking stuff. Many people though don't remember the good fun like fishing, skiing, tubing, or boarding on the lake. Or going to eat with friends at restaurants.
Life in a hometown is what you make it. How will you live your life?
the best place to grow up because there is not much to do there for teenagers. The two public schools, Stewart County Elementary and Stewart County High School, are not that good. The best thing to do in Lumpkin is to go eat at Michelle's and hang 0ut with friends there. Michelle's is a fast food restaurant and it also is a motel. Michelle's has good country buffet style cooking. The best day to go to Michelle's is on friday when they have a seafood buffet.
The biggest tourist attraction in Lumpkin is Westville. Westville is an outdoor history museum which depicts an 1850 west Georgia village. Westville has over thirty authentically furnished, genuine antebellum buildings and "townspeople" in period dress demonstrate woodworking, baking, pottery turning, blacksmithing, and other skills from the mid-1800s. I remember going to Westville with my brother and cousins just so they could get lemonade and gingerbread there.
The other tourist attractions are Providence Canyon, Florence Marina, and the Bedingfield Inn. Providence Canyon is a 1,003 acre state park in Stewart County. Providence Canyon is sometimes called Georgia's "Little Grand Canyon". It is considered to be one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia. The view over the rim of Providence Canyon is incredible and breath taking. The colorful wildflowers, as well as the pink, orange, red and purple hues of the soft canyon soil, make a beautiful natural painting at this unique park. Florence Marina State Park is a quiet park that offers the perfect setting for those that love water sports. The park also attratcts many birdwatchers hoping to see herons, egrets, and possibly bald eagles. The Bedingfield Inn was built in 1836 as a family residence as well as a stopping place for stagecoaches and other travelers. This became the first small-town community preservation project in Georgia. It has been carefully restored and furnished with period antiques.
Lumpkin does not have many stores or other places for entertainment. Lumpkin has only one drugstore, Lumpkin Drugs. Not many people would choose to move to Lumpkin because of its location and lack of resources. You have to drive thirty miles just to go to a grocery store.
Lumpkin is a good town to grow up in if you can han handle driving a few miles to go to work, school or shopping. Though most teenagers wouldn't agree, Lumpkin would be a great place to grow up because of its small town southern feel.